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Writer's pictureCarbo Libre

Type 2 Diabetes Is Reversible

Updated: Aug 12, 2020

By Doc Crossfit

Disclaimer: No medical advice here, just general medical knowledge…you guys know the drill.

The theme and reason of this blog is rooted in the fact that sugar, and specifically the combination of glucose-fructose known as sucrose (regular table sugar), is a dose related toxin, that if taken long enough, in high enough dose, will result in the toxicity state known as metabolic syndrome. Too much glucose will create chronic elevation of insulin. Chronic elevation of insulin will result in multiple diseases as the insulin resistant state is the common pathway for most diseases of modernity. We do not understand how much sugar the average American eats daily. Our food supply is terribly contaminated by added sugar…the amount is terrifying.

Insulin resistance is the foundation of metabolic syndrome, the combination of obesity, increased visceral fat, elevated triglycerides and cardiovascular disease. And of course, type 2 diabetes (T2D)

Due to our very limited storage capacity for glucose, any excess glucose past our storage capacity has to be converted and stored as fat.

This is how much glucose we can carry in our bloodstream at any given time…Eat more than that and it is turned into fat.

The second half of the table sugar combo, fructose, is even worse. From a metabolic point of view, it's an analogue of alcohol. In other words, fructose gets broken down and metabolized like alcohol. The only difference is that it is not directly metabolized by our brain and thus does not give us a buzz. Fructose is responsible for the addictive nature of table sugar. It tastes sweet and creates the addictive reward that rivals the high of hard core drugs. Fructose is a completely alien substance to our body. We have no way to store it and not way to have it circulating in our bloodstream. Ask your doctor to do a fructose level in your blood next time you go to office. After the initial confusion, the joke will reveal itself. There is no fructose level in our body. It is not a lab value. It doesn't exist.

This is the amount of fructose in our body at any given time.

Because fructose is an alien substance to our body, the moment we eat it, our liver has to stop whatever it is doing to metabolize the poison. Human liver is the only organ in our body that can uptake and break down fructose. And when it does so, fructose is broken down in a metabolic pathway that is a clone of alcohol, creating free fatty acids and free radicals. Just like alcohol. The end result of eating a whole lot of fructose for a long time is the same as drinking a lot of alcohol for a long time: a cirrhotic destroyed liver. Minus the alcoholic misbehavior...

When we go to our physician and we hear "you have a fatty liver" that is what is going on. Liver damage from too much fructose.

Our liver on fructose, right side of picture...

This brings me to the original point of this post. When we eat a lot of sugar for a prolonged amount of time, we humans get sick from sugar poisoning which can also be called metabolic syndrome. Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance is the principal manifestation of that state of toxicity. Physicians treat type 2 diabetes like it is an incurable chronic disease. This misses the nature of the illness. Type 2 diabetes is nothing but intolerance to sugar. The inability to handle the overdose. The end stage of sugar poisoning.

Eliminate the poison, eliminate the poisoning.

T2D is reversible. Just eliminate carbs from diet. Why is that so hard to understand? It should to be the first step in management of the condition...

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